Winter Holiday Gift Guide for Healthy Kids

Are you looking for the perfect gift to ignite a passion for cooking in the young aspiring chefs of your household? Look no further! Our Healthy Kids culinary gift guide is here to inspire and equip your kids with the essential tools they need to embark on their culinary journey this holiday season.

From kid-safe knives and peelers to rainbow-colored flexible cutting boards, we have handpicked a selection of items that will not only make fantastic presents but also serve as vital instruments in building your child’s cooking skills and culinary knowledge.

Below are ideas from our Food Education team and Healthy Kids educators to get kids into the kitchen and watch their excitement for cooking grow!

Introducing a kid-safe knife to a child early on in their culinary journey can be a game-changer, allowing them to practice one of the most fundamental cooking skills – chopping. It’s not just about teaching them to prepare ingredients; it’s about instilling confidence, responsibility, and a genuine interest in the art of cooking from an early age. These specially designed knives and colorful cutting boards are a gateway to developing essential knife skills, ensuring safety while honing their abilities.

To set the stage for these culinary adventures, we’ve included bright and inviting tablecloths and some culinary attire that can instantly transform any space into an exciting and educational kitchen haven for your little ones.

Healthy Kids in the Bon Appétit Kitchen is a nutrition and culinary education program designed to teach and empower children to make healthy food choices for themselves and their communities. We’ll transform your café into a hands-on classroom for your kids. Ask your café team about bringing Healthy Kids to your community and join us for a hands-on kids cooking class soon!